DIEIP 2024. XV. évfolyam / Vol. XV. 1. szám / No. 1.



The Act of Supremacy enacted in the 16th century established a personalized union between the monarchy and ecclesiastical authority, a relationship that endures in the contemporary United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, despite considerable societal secularization. This enduring association is notably manifested within the Church of England. This study undertakes an examination of several pertinent themes, including the genesis of power and its interpretation within the Christian tradition, the role of the British Monarch within the Church of England, intrinsically linked to the state, and the scope of authority exercised by English monarchs over this religious denomination. Furthermore, this article scrutinizes the religious orientation of the British monarch, culminating in a summary and concluding insights.

Keywords: British monarch, Church of England, exercise of power, religious freedom, union of throne and altar, canon law, religious law



In the present research, I researched the concept of „local public affairs” and its projection, especially in small municipalities. What is ‘local public affairs’? Why are villages called communes in public administration? Firstly, I examined what is called local public affairs in the public understanding and how does it differ in public administration.

Then I will go through the tasks laid down in Fundamental Law, taking local public affairs in turn, after which I will look at the tasks listed in the Mötv. Finally, I will discuss why ‘local public affairs’ are important for small municipalities. Local public affairs permeate the everyday life of local authorities, virtually all tasks are local public affairs and can be derived from them.

Keywords: Local public affairs, small municipalities, Fundamental Law, Public administration


The criminal, public order and traffic policing tasks of the Hungarian Police are usually well known. It is although less known that this body also participates in many administrative procedures, which can also have a wide-ranging impact on the everyday life of citizens. This short paper presents some examples of the latter.

Keywords: Hungarian Police, administrative procedure, public body, misdemeanour law, law enforcement


The European Union has established a comprehensive regulation system to ensure the harmonisation of financial markets across its member states, promoting stability, safeguarding deposits, investor and consumer protection, and ultimately economic growth. The rules created a unified and resilient financial environment and enhanced market efficiency, transparency, security and confidence. Within the financial markets, we focus on the banking sector, the investments and capital markets, the insurance sector, and finally, the payment services. The study encompasses the relevant European legislation, starting from the fundamental principles, and then summarises each sector’s legal development, presenting the current regulatory system more prominently. Despite a trend toward standardised business practices, national features persist in financial markets, and challenges arise also from the simultaneous application of directives and regulations, leading to slight inconsistencies. Ongoing refinement of the EU’s regulatory framework is crucial to address evolving financial challenges, ensuring market resilience and supporting the growth of the European financial system.

Keywords: financial law, financial markets, banking, capital market, insurance, European Union, harmonisation of law